
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crisis in Asia

My dear ones. My message today will not be one you consider a "feel good" message. It comes before a crisis that could have been avoided. Many of the men and women who are to be delivered to their end of comfort on their continent are not able to ascend, and cannot end their cycle of incarnations as originally planned. Acts of nature do not occur as a result of negative thinking. Acts of attack do. Mankind is not the cause of this act of choice by one man. The cause is the dense consciousness of the man's own dark controllers.

People will be maimed at a distance from the area being targeted, because no one realizes their area will be attacked. Mass chaos can occur. Make a conscious choice now: If my area is attacked, I will call for an Angel, and consciously declare I AM THAT I AM. This command can deliver a new condition to the aura of the departing one, and a very dense condition of death can become a contribution of great importance to the mass consciousness.

My beloveds, give love to the contributor of this drama. Maybe he can alter his decision, but it doesn't appear, at this moment, to be changeable. Those of you who have been reading these messages are aware of the man who I am not naming. I want the dark capabilities of this crisis to be countered by my words. Many can claim their divinity and be taken beyond astral at once. Any who call for an Angel can get aid to move to a different mental attitude and create a different condition for themselves. Practical advice to anyone who calls for an Angel is to leave the body quickly.

Why am I telling this to those who are reading these messages? To assist any who can get my advice BEFORE they are dealing with a catastrophe. Opting out of the human experience at the moment of a crisis can be a gift of that crisis, not a drama that leads to another call for man's "dance of leela" to continue. May my words give an out of body experience that is happy and at acceptance of all that man has created during an active life.

Hope about man's ability to contain a crisis can do a lot. It can act as a call on the Angels to get ready to assist. It can abate the crisis. It can answer the man's controllers' demands. It can create a different choice on the decision to attack. All of these options are able to be part of the drama of the next days. I am an adviser, and my advice is, to ask for aid to alter the man's decision. And, if this doesn't change his attitude, get more demanding, and decree a more desirable outcome.

The Masters and Angels are all making an attempt to dismantle the devices he has not admitted to having. One of them can destroy the entire Universe.

Can this be contained? Maybe. Can one bomb destroy an area without affecting other areas? Yes, but this depends on the one chosen to be used.

Make no mistake, this crisis is now more than just talk. It is not more than a few days before the man gives an advance on his neighbor. I AM THAT I AM consciousness can diminish the affect. Close the door to more doings of this man with your most active prayers. Be the diffuser of his candle. Be active in the next days to make your light shine. Be the cause of a great anointing of those who are not aware of their own divinity and eternal existence. Close the door to death consciousness. Who you are does not die. Bring this awareness to the moment when a crisis occurs.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

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