Friday, January 14, 2011

Pack a Bag

Pretend you are going on a tour of another country. Make an itinerary to do this, and get out the suitcases to negotiate the amount of clothing to take. Pack one of the bags with your computer and other contents that may be needed en route, and the contents to be contemplated to go in the other, larger bag would be clothes, shoes, etc. Now, make believe that the big bag got destroyed en route, and all you had to live with was in the carry-on with the computer. Are these contents going to be all that you will ever have? Of course not, other things will be available when you arrive. Give this scenario a good look, because many of you will be doing just this. Why? Are we going to move to this other country? No, only in your dreams. However, this may be the only bag you'll have time to pack now that we are in the last days of man's current adventure. The next days are going to be very changeable, and having a new consciousness will mean needing a new bag of material goods to go with it.

No, you can't take bags with computers when you ascend, but between now and then, you might need to have a computer bag on standby, to take with you should you be asked, or called, or moved by circumstances to another area. My next call may come quickly, and no time to pack can cause you much anxiety. Can you get one or two bags packed to go on to another area? Can you completely detach from all that is left? It may be necessary to do this. Some are already having to detach and have had no bags ready to take with them. Can you see the times moving in this direction? Are you going to get ready or not?

Can you imagine an evacuation in your area? No? Well, don't be so arrogant; no one can call these next alterations to the Earth's continents, not even this level of awareness can say for certain.

Make this packed bag your safety net. Consider an airline carry-on the best size. Have the essentials, and the means to get more will be the next concern once you get to the next destination. Are you willing to do this? Where will you go? No one knows this yet, but those who do need to go in a hurry, will be happy to have at least one bag already packed.

Forces that control the continents axis movement have become more changeable by the day. Both Australia and Brazil have been devastated as a result. Any other area can be next, even those not counted on in any predictor's map. Are the movements going to quit? No, only get more consistent in their appearance. Tough times are already news. More will be reported daily.

Caring about the things left behind is wasted energy for all who are going for ascension, as detachment must be achieved, and the ability to release these attachments is important to all who are now being considered ascension candidates.

Followers of the deceivers are going to be totally dismayed and disappointed in the next days, as their call for great days has been ignored. Great days, as they have imagined them, are to be AFTER the diaspora, not instead of it. Hard times are to be the norm now, not the exception. Mind can get disturbed over this message, but hearts all know the Phoenix rises out of the ashes, not before.

Put together a bag of those things you would take on a camping trip, not your best clothing and decorative items. Take a little of the nice things like a good cotton dress or outfit, and/or a more comfortable clothing item to wear when you land. Not too many personal items, because you will need your computers and clothing for more than one weather condition. Weather changes will be dramatic, and all degrees of temperature can occur in one day.

Face the facts that change has begun. Both Australia and Brazil have. Can the area where you live be next? Yes, it can. Safety is not guaranteed in any location. Ascension can occur in all.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

Related Subject Posts:
Ascension - Preparing Children for Ascension
Computer - Make A Decision NOW (first post)
Consciousness - Preparing Children for Ascension
Decievers - Make A Decision NOW
Diaspora - Physical Changes (first post)


  1. Dear Ascended Master St. Germain,

    Wow! After reading this latest article, I have a feeling that something big would be happening in the coming days. I do hope that St. Germain would be able to give us some sort of warning and some advise on as and when the possibility and information have reached a certain point.

    Thank you very much.

  2. I will take care to have the dancing shoes with me at every time, while in my sleep as well. No worry about any other stuff... I wish I learned to dance the Leela, but that's fine... Nobody is going to judge me or laugh with me if I don't make the moves right!
    Thank you Saint Germain.

  3. I was crying this time while reading your message. Tears of relief, I would say. 2 years ago I was living abroad in a tent by a river- with nothing- for a few months. Then I tried to live in a normal way again back in my city, but all the time feeling like I may have to go at any time, not having a possesion, no stuff, no attachments, so never really feeling at home here. And some time ago I have prepared a few things I may take with me if I had to walk out immidiately. But slowly started feeling tired of this mode without knowing why I am so ready to go at any time. Now I have more clarity and more ease about it. But thanks to you I also finnally could understand what is the most important thing to be found within instead of being concerned about lack of money or material security and about not having a normal life while trying to have such a life. Thank you again. I wish we all could always hear our inner guidance.

  4. Aruna,
    Thank you so much for opening yourself up for ME and for US. I have a question that I hope might be addressed... How do we handle relationships with our children? I feel like the only "attachment" I have on Earth, is the love for my children. I dont want this to hold me back from ascension, yet I cannot see severing this deep astounding connection I have to my children. This is the only thing that troubles me. Thank you.

    Amanda Me

  5. I thought and worried about my children, husband, relatives, close friends, feeling my stomach upset at all times... Now I think that there is no reason to worry. My children are old souls as I am. They are here to learn their lessons, to follow the path of the free choice of their hearts. They are tested, as I am tested. In my understanding, the ascension is an individual journey. As the little creeks form the river, so the individuals unite on their ways and create the collective...

    The ugly image of death was the real thing that made my stomach upset and disturbed my sleep of many nights. The understanding of what ascension means replaced totally the image of my dear ones: my children, husband, relatives, close friends, etc. as they were “dying” in front of my eyes. Today, my worry for my children's well being is not different from what I feel for somebody that I don't know. I wish the best for my children as I wish it for everyone else living with me in this planet.

    Are they awake? Not yet. But for my children, as for all our children, the awakening is not going to take as long as it took for me/us. It's going to be on the instant, when the time is right. Guaranteed, they will be ready to ascend when the trumpets will blow... God has eyes on them through Angels, Masters, Guides, who work tirelessly with them. My obligation as a parent is to do my part: use all limited opportunities (they don't live with us) to speak about my growth, about the knowledge that I gain drop by drop as I go, about the new way I conceptualize life. I don't feel shy to show them my delight as I experience living in a new reality. They will get the picture, because they are smart, they are here to remember and they will remember soon. What else to say except that everyone is following his/her own path of destiny?!

    I would appreciate if Saint Germain will advise regarding being more with our loved ones and at the same time permanently detached from them.

  6. I also feel the same way as Amanda. I feel detached from everything except for my children. They are very small and I love them very much, but I also don't want that attachment to hold me back from ascension. I also would like some clarification on that subject if that is possible.
    Thank you St. Germain and thank you Aruna!

