Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Manifesting Celebrations Work!

Many things have moved towards manifestation, thanks to the aid of our chelas on "Make A Wish Day". Ponder this: "Make A Wish Day" can be every day.

Pick one day a week, and celebrate all the happiness that daily life can bring. Energize the manifestation of the New Earth with ongoing happiness celebrations. Pick a day, and make it a mandate for yourself, that on this day you will cancel all concerns, and dance, and sing, and clap your hands, and call in all the things your heart desires. Fill all the goals on your list, and don't give any doubts to the matrix of materialization about any of these things coming to you. Celebrate their appearance.

Clear out all money concerns. Act as though the money you desire is on its way. Welcome all that arrives in the next days, as this will manifest more. Manifest mentally and cheer the game of manifesting as you would cheer for a major game of any kind. Go into the game with the intention of making more goals than any team has ever made before. Make the team of your choice the greatest in the game of manifestation. Make this team a major winner! God wants many winners. None of these games are to be lost by any of the teams. Your team can be the winner with no other team being defeated. Positive games like this do good for all those who play.

Pick a day. Say, Saturday or Sunday, when many of you can dance and sing together. Gather together to celebrate these manifesting moments. Have a manifestion party. Be merry!

After this day ends, begin making a list of all the goals to be cheered on the next manifestation day. Practice doing this list making daily. Meditate, then ask your heart: "What do I manifest today?" Write it down. Close out all negative thoughts that may arise. Ignore them. Having fun is the way to clear doubts. Major concerns are also to be given to God to take care of. You do the very best you can, and in addition to this, ask God to open a door that can move this concern out of your mind's attention.

Children also need to be given the opportunity to advance their development in manifestation. Ask them to communicate their desires to God on a daily basis. Have them make a list. Have them make a drawing if they enjoy doing this. Hang their drawing up so they can look at it. Have them claim all their desires on manifestation day. Give them this method of drawing to them what their hearts desire.

My dear ones. These days of celebration are the change that we have been talking about for many lifetimes. Changing negativity into the next energy of creation is the New Earth way. Happiness is an important component of creating form. Goals must be made. The closing of negative energy must be done. God wants this heart led dancing to continue.

Please bring this message to the whole world. Clear the negativity on the Gulf with this ongoing goal and celebration continuum. Change the way you get things in life - get your desires met by celebrating their existence. Please share this message with others, because we are all on the same team.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

Related Subject Posts:
Children - Give The Kids A Chance
Happiness - Creation and the Mass Consciousness
Manifesting - Creation and the Mass Consciousness
Meditation - Anchoring Light and "Knowing"
Negativity - Creation and the Mass Consciousness
New Earth - Conduits Needed Now

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